Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Thanksgiving 2007

Thanksgiving is a national holiday in the United States. It is celebrated each year on the fourth Thursday in November. On this day, families gather together, and many people say prayers of thanks for the year's blessings. In many homes, a big dinner of roast turkey and dressing is served. Thanksgiving is traditionally a harvest festival. Similar festivals are celebrated in many parts of the world to give thanks after the years crops have been safely harvested.
This week, we'd like you to tell us about how you spent your Thanksgiving. Where did you go, what did you do, and what did you eat? Most importantly, tell us something you are thankful for in 2007. From all of us at CESL, Happy Thanksgiving!

Tuesday, October 2, 2007

Wendy Whitacre, Ph.D.

It is with great sadness that the Center for English as a Second Language (CESL) at the University of Arizona informs our friends, colleagues, students, and alumni of the passing of our assistant director, Wendy Whitacre, this past week. Wendy was an outstanding colleague and professional, who was a teacher and leader for many. Wendy led a richly diverse and creative life, teaching here and abroad, leading our faculty, performing and producing drama, and simply bringing joy to many. Most of all, Wendy was a dedicated mother who loved her son Taylor and taught us all the value of life. Services are pending news from her family. We will post news via We invite you to post your thoughts and prayers.


You can find a movie made by the 2006 CESL Drama club, directed by Wendy (and starring other CESL teachers) here (

Tuesday, August 21, 2007

School Days

The first week at school can be a difficult one, but it can also be a lot of fun. This week, we invite you to tell us about one new person you met. What is his/her name? Where is he/she from? Why are they studying English?

Wednesday, August 8, 2007

Welcome Back to School!

After a very short break, the faculty and staff at the Center for English as a Second Language at The University of Arizona are eager to start the Fall 1 session. Testing and orientation activities begin Monday, August 13, but classes do not start until Tuesday, August 21. See you soon!
Old Main, University of Arizona

Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Victims of Immigration Policy

Since 9-11, traveling internationally has become problematic. Many people face harassment when trying to enter Western countries. Share with us your good or bad experiences dealing with immigration officers in the US or abroad.

Wednesday, July 11, 2007

The Monsoon Returns!

Each summer, the wind changes direction and blows from the southeast. This brings humidity thunderstorms and heavy rain to Tucson which recharges the desert with life giving water. Sometimes, however, the Monsoon can be dangerous. Meteorologists are predicting that the Monsoon is imminent.
What are your experiences dealing with natural disasters in your country?

Thursday, July 5, 2007

Happy 4th of July!

Many of you spent the 4th of July at the Tucson Convention Center where you listened to music, ate hot dogs and hamburgers, and watched the fireworks. This week, we invite you to share the traditions of your homeland's independence day celebrations. Please include the date, history, activities, and special meals associated with independence day in your country.

Thursday, June 28, 2007

Should Race Count in College Admissions?

The Supreme Court recently decided that schools are not allowed to use race as a factor for admissions. This will have differect effects on college applicants. On the one hand, some students will benefit from this ruling; however, some others will lose educational opportunities.
Do you think this is a fair decision? Are there similar laws in your country regarding access to education based on race, gender, religion, language, or ethnicity?

Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Having Fun in Tucson

Do you think life in Tucson is exciting, or do you think it is boring? Tell us about a place you have had fun or met new people in Tucson. Be descriptive!

Wednesday, May 23, 2007

CALICO Conference

Welcome to CESL Talk. This is a new blog created during a workshop at the CALICO conference in San Marcos, Texas. I hope that teachers and students alike will ask questions, post responses, and dialogue with one another about issues related to learning and teaching English, studying at CESL and/or the University of Arizona.